Registration has been opened for the January 2018 exam. Kindly find details below:
Regular Exam Registration: October 20- November 3, 2018
Levels 1 & 2: GH¢120.00 per paper Level 3: GH¢150.00 per paper
Student Subscription: GH¢ 85.00.
Late Exam Registration: November 5-10, 2018
Levels 1&2: GHS 180.00 per Paper Level 3: GHS 225.00 per Paper
All payments should be made into the Institute’s Fidelity Account No. 1050017376518 and the slip presented with the filled exam registration form at the HR Centre.
*Candidates should contact Tuition Centres for details on Exam Venue.
To download the exam registration form, click here.
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