The partnership between the Institute of Human Resource Management Practitioners (IHRMP), Ghana and the Ghana Institute of Procurement and Supply (GIPS) was deepened with a three-day training, a special training programme in Consultancy Service Procurement.
The three-day training programme themed ”Consultancy Service Procurement” the first of its kind to be organized by GIPS for Procurement Practitioners commenced on Wednesday October 30, 2019 at the Institute of Human Resource Management Practitioners, Tse-Addo in Accra.
Notable attendees of the opening ceremony of the training facilitated by a seasoned Procurement Specialist, World Bank Project Consultant and a Fellow of GIPS, Mr. Emmanuel Fianko was the Council Chairman of GIPS, Mr. Basil Ahiable, the Executive Director of the Institute of Human Resource Management Practitioners, Mr. Ebenezer Agbettor and Mr. Collins Agyemang Sarpong, President of the Ghana Institute of Procurement and Supply.
Welcoming participants, the President of GIPS, Mr. Collins Agyemang Sarpong in revealing the rationale for the training observed that some professional gaps exist in the area of procurement particularly in the Public Sector. Further to this, he revealed that “most procurement professionals are good in procurement of goods, works and technical services but gaps remain when it comes to consultancy service procurement.” Thus, the training in Consultancy Service Procurement he added, is a strategic initiative of GIPS to help close some of the procurement gaps confronting procurement professionals operating in the public and private sectors in the country.
In a solidarity statement, the Executive Director of IHRMP, Ghana, Mr. Ebenezer Agbettor expressed his joy at the fact that the HR Centre was playing host to the training programme. Urging GIPS on, the Executive Director added that he was enthused with GIPS initiative of empowering professionals as it is not only the way to go but will also help to contribute to sanitising as well as instilling discipline in the professional space.
Pix 2: The Council Chair of GIPS, Mr. Basil Ahiable giving his opening remarks at the Consultancy Service Procurement training.
In his remarks to open the training, the Council Chair of GIPS, Mr. Basil Ahiable acknowledged the significance of training for Procurement Professionals. He added that the training in Consultancy Service Procurement is one way of increasing the knowledge and professional development of Procurement Practitioners especially in an era that procurement is on the front burner of our national life. To this end, he concluded expressing the hope that the training will help participants reinforce their skills to give off their best.

Pix. 3: The Facilitator, Mr. Emmanuel Fianko (left) addressing a cross section of the participants at the training in Consultancy Service Procurement